
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2024

Emakumek Sukaldari oraintxe, Iruña


Alma Vasca Mujer Vasca

en mi investigación del #AlmaVasca y de las  #MatriarcasVascas para mí nuevo sueño- emprendimiento #LaBasqueLibreResto #Mercaderes13 #Iruña ... < 2030!! entender el #Mercado regional y sus preferencias subjetivas es parte del proceso de descubrimiento de oportunidades empresariales que nos enseña la escuela austriaca de economía , de entre muchos #Hayek , el viejito de la libertad , el flaquito ése que hizo un documental en #Antigua el mismo año y día que la Luna de miel de mis #Amataitek (variante pro Emakumek de #Aitetamak) quizás mi aite le abordó con su confianza vasca caraqueña y obtuvo dos gramos de saberes de libertades humanas... NORK DAKI ?! y ni hermano salió #Ordoliberal y 'juno' #ANKAP ?? https://go.jobtoday.com/BL6crDwI9Jb *invité a nire emaste, venezolana (jefa de Mentidero Berria!) pero tenía planes mejores con 3 almas preciosas, gure semealabak !: Nerea , Julen & Maitena... aio Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez


I used to enjoy #WoodyAllen's films but  you all know ... spoiled art  in this film #VickyCristinaBarcelona.... great actresses great Bardem great Guitar scene my favourite lines? from the 'crazy' poet near Oviedo... he write and hide It from the outside liquid world , society, individuals... some, are like this sensitive soul.. some are not liquid persons that is the beautiful case of my 28 years old friend,  I met her , and her loyal Friends when she was 18,  I just watch, like plants slowly grow...... a Batch of perfect , my new friend said, souls  14, 15, 21, all ages Ada, an open ocean ship captain, of her soul too.. Marina, Eiande PhDs in Phylosophy omG! Ohiane, Amets, Unai, skating, tattoos, free, Happy,  Arianne, working I served coffees , cakes , smoothies, frappucinos, .... Vicky, #FCOM #UNAV then Psicology #UNED... doble soul she says is going to help us within Arima Clubs Parrishes Project ..... Who knows nork DAKI. Remember  Mercaderes 13 Iruña  wor


Gure #Mercaderes13 #Iruña  #SousChef Miren Izarra Jauregi Egurrola (Venezuela) etorri Gero ilobete bat lana festak... bere opariak gure semealabak?? venezuelako txokolatea! onena munduan kakao! gaur :  #SanderChocolatier #Karakas ori , zergatik ? arte bestek aristak... #CompañíaGuopuzcoana Esker! 200 urte, lehen petroleo ...1700 - 1900 circa... gehiago egun kakao markak, txiki ta handia! nire anaie Paul ta bere emaste Miranda #Ekè dut... Kumanako ( Anasagasti herrian) faktoria .ta bai, gu arrontasuna gure odola ta baloreak familiar al gure landa, gure Herria, gure euskera gehi ederra munduan... *barkatu, nire euskera arras aunditz eroburu! baina maitemindua gure kultura...beti betiko.. gure aire Luis Elguezabal Aristizabal , beste venezuelako arima... Mikel de Elguezabal Méndez , Venezuela ere... hemen , zureartean...

ça ne me regardez Pas.. liberté eternelle

@bioecorganic project, it is also #OikoEtxea BEOBEO food workshops & labs! Here, we present the new product service, Eco Bio Organic French Fries, from Eco Bio Organic Potatoes with 'skin'! More fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein! and saving time in kitchens all around the planet We do not hide our intentions, we want to shift the planet, so that others 'copy' our goal, to offer more and more BEO bioecorganic food items to the open society... we want others to adapt to the future rapidly, now, yesterday! come on, give people the chance to choose, being free to choose! regular potatoes with pesticides and excess Nitrogen fertilizers? or eco bio organic potatoes with peel, skin... and its natural minerals, fiber, protein, vitamins.. omG! it is easy I adapted the original recipe from my Big Brother, Sir Karlos Otxoa, a loyal lawyer and defender of natural liberty with huge skills in the kitchen, wow! My ad